Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Couple Interview with Darlene and Mike Lumpkin Essay

A marriage is the creation of a new family by bringing together two distinct people from individual and very distinctly different backgrounds. The bringing together of two different people often can cause conflict. Merging families can also create a harmonious relationship of balance and teamwork if both of their differences and similarities compliment each other. After conducting an interview with Darlene and Mike Lumpkin it became very evident that theirs was a seemingly balanced and harmonious relationship. The interview asked questions about how things like their backgrounds, challenges together, boundaries, family interactions, and spirituality have developed into a family and marriage relationship that successfully navigates through life together. The couple walked into the interview with a very happy demeanor, which seemed to set the tone for the remainder of our conversation. Their happiness clearly showed by sitting very close to each other on the couch with their arms aroun d each other. Mike shared jokingly that he felt like he was in a shrink’s office because of the blue couch. His lightheartedness helped keep things comfortable. The interview began by asking them some detailed background information about their individual family upbringing and experiences. Out of respect to their time constraints they were each given a printed out copy of the interview schedule and asked to spend a few minutes answering the individual background questions. They then shared what they deemed relevant from their answers. After some discussion about background section, the interview progressed by going through each of the remaining questions. Mike Lumpkin is a 40-year-old male college graduate who is employed by a real estate company. He has one younger brother and both parents are alive. His father is a pastor, which Mike shared, â€Å"my father has been a huge influence throughout marriage, family and in the way I live.† Mike described the majority of his family upbringing as stable, supportive and privileged. However, he wanted to highlight a particularly challenging time during college when he lost his best friend to suicide. He explained, â€Å"my faith got deeper through this experience because of all of the support of others.† The importance of faith is also reflective in his answers to questions about spending his free time with church and family. Darlene Lumpkin is a 43-year-old college graduate, housewife who has eight siblings. She started by highlighting the distinct differences between her and Mike’s family and upbringing. Her father was divorced five times and was undiagnosed but had a history of Manic Depression. This obviously affected her saying: â€Å"That is the reason I got married at thirty-one.† Additionally she shared, â€Å"Girls like to marry someone like their father and I definitely did not.† She explained that all of her brothers had also been diagnosed or un-diagnosed with Manic Depression and or substance abuse issues. She expressed that although she is very close to her family that it is fractured. At twenty she lost her stepfather to a sudden, unexpected heart attack. During mid-twenties her fractured family influenced a bout with depression where she sought the help of a counselor. However, her answers on the sheet that she was given, indicated that her current outlook on life as very positive because of her relationship to Mike and their children. Mike and Darlene’s relationship started while working for the same company, the couple met at a training event. Sha ring about how they met brought up a point of tension. There was a hesitancy to share that Mike was living with another women when they first started dating. Darlene discovered this and there relationship was on and off. The tension in the room was awkward for a brief moment but did not last because Mike then expressed that although it started rough and that they came from very different backgrounds, they were supposed to be together. After two to three years, the couple was married. Two years later they had Grace, currently age nine, and then Seth age seven. There explanation of deciding when to have kids was, â€Å"We tried a dog, and it didn’t work so we thought we would try kids.† One key observation made surrounding this set of questions about their relationship was that although their backgrounds were different, their personalities really complimented each other to guide them through life’s challenges. Although throughout the interview the couple seemed very happy talking about their marriage relationship, they did express some times in life, that in spite of being a challenge helped them grow closer. One such time occurred while working for the same company as store managers, their stores were down the street from each other causing them to be in direct competition. Additionally when Mike was laid off, Darlene found it difficult to interact with colleagues. Their families being brought together presented some of the greatest challenges, especially when they took in Darlene’s brother, who has battled an alcohol addiction. When an incidence occurred of him drinking at home while watching their children, they dealt with some confrontational stress. More recently another incidence happened when Darlene’s other brother attacked her personally. Mike and him got into some arguments but she chalked it up to his substance abuse and depression, saying, â€Å"All this drinking and addiction stuff has caused stress because Mike was not used to it.† Considering how difficult some of the challenges were early on in their marriage, they did not seem to outweigh the strengths. Darlene said: â€Å"The biggest thing is Mike and I talk, weather it is comfortable or uncomfortable†¦ you know the important things that need to be talked about.† Proper communication is vital to the success of a healthy long lasting marriage. Mike with Darlene agreed saying: â€Å"To sum it up we compliment each others’ strengths and weaknesses well.† Darlene wanted to also share that, â€Å"We both have a really good sense of humor, we can laugh at each other.† She shared that this was how they got through the difficult family situations. Their solid communication, humor, and complimenting personalities, were obvious strengths to their relationship. Frequently during the interview they both expressed that their children dictate much of how they are guided as a married couple and as a family. Family became even more of a priority because Darlene quit her very successful upper-management job in order to spend more time with their children. Mike expressed the importance of this, â€Å"What it comes down to is her and I are responsible for this family we brought into this world.† The only negative aspect of their relationship, specifically as in relation to boundaries was that they both agreed that marital intimacy had suffered. According to them this was one area of their marriage that could use some growth. Although not always the case it is reported as being a common problem for married couples to have decreased intimacy as a result of children. They both agreed that a way to combat this was being more intentional about the time they did have as a couple such as dates and anniversaries. Regardless of how much it was agreed that this was an area with a need for growth in their marriage, their boundaries seemed to be very healthy and clearly defined by their family as a whole. A reoccurring theme throughout the interview with Mike and Darlene was how much their spirituality influenced their marriage and family. Faith became particularly helpful during the difficulties with their families coming together. Mike: â€Å"I don’t know that we would have been as strong, I don’t know that we could have got through our situations without faith.† They have intentionally included their Christian faith throughout their relationship as a foundation for how their family operates and leans in times of life challenges. A lot of how their family is guided is by their faith and membership to a United Methodist Church. Both shared that they enjoyed spending a great majority of their free time volunteering in church activities. Mike, â€Å"Faith for us has been huge.† When asked why they felt this was relevant, they expressed that their children are cared for, nurtured, and supported in this environment. Darlene, â€Å"Our kids love church, I feel like it has become a family or support for us, we get more back from it then we put in.† They seemed to share about their relationship to their church as if it were an extended family that could be leaned on for support when needed but would allow for others to lean on them too if need be. Darlene and Mike are a truly amazing couple. A marriage that seems so balanced in spite of the many life challenges, and personality differences that they encounter. Although they would not admit so, their marriage is a perfect blend of two complimentary individuals. Having clearly defined family boundaries, complimenting each other’s strengths and weaknesses, while being guided by and supported in Christian faith, they continue to navigate through life together.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Needs Assessment

The Merchants of Cool is a documentary about researchers and marketers exploring out into the society to see what is popular or cool in the latest trends within teenagers. These people would spend days going around the streets, malls, and even schools to find out what is the next big thing that will give them the attention from people. They would have the teenagers participate in surveys and studies while analyzing them thoroughly to portray the founded characteristics into the media. These marketers realized that teenagers are actually portraying themselves to the media so the media would then reveal it back to the teenagers, which teenagers then sees it and portrays them that way. The only disadvantage of that was once the marketer reveals what is cool to the world, they would have to go on the radar and find out what is the next thing that is cool. We live in a culture, a consumer culture to be specific where we are driven to buy things, especially teenagers, which is fueled by corporate motivation to annual grow profits. There was a teenager in the video and she stated that no matter where she goes, she must always get ready to look nice before she leaves the house. As mentioned earlier, sometimes the media depicts things that will cause teenagers to feel like they are not good enough, thin enough, or pretty enough and the negative thoughts build up. Although this video was made about twelve years ago, teenagers are still the same as today. Teenagers should not have look into the media or advertisement to find out what they want or how are they supposed to be. Each individual is different with a unique mind so every teenager should act and be like however they want. Teenagers just needs to understand that the cool hunters are just being paid to find people who they think are cool to ask questions and find answers, which advertisers and producers will then use this cool information to sell more products. Needs Assessment In the needs assessment process, the broadest possible set of people who are affected should be included. The list will include students, professors, and school personnel from academic institutions from those who are implementing semesters and trimesters. The views of these people will then be used to assess the debate between these two schedules of academic year and also assess the feasibility of this study. Just like the story of the six blind men and the elephant, different people recognize different pieces of the puzzle but when taken together, these views will contribute to a holistic understanding of this debate.The breadth of experiences and viewpoints will enrich the understanding of the problems that exist in the organization. Likewise, the ideas that will be generated will shed light about other dimensions of this debate that might not have been highlighted before.A combination of research tools and strategies will be utilized in order to get the views of these people as ef fectively as possible. A preliminary understanding of the problems facing the organization is called for. As such, content analysis of what have been written before may be undertaken to arrive at a summary of discussions and arguments. This will aid in the creation of a questionnaire and writing of interview questions.Using questionnaire is more time efficient since more people will be reached and if closed questions are utilized, then the analysis will be easier. However, open-ended questions yield more varied insights and responses although they are more difficult to quantify and analyze (Gall, Borg & Gall, 2002). Interviews, on the other hand, yield what Stringer (2003) called epiphanies and illuminative experiences. Interviews are also very personal and will dig the personal views and attitudes of the respondents regarding their preference in the debate and the various reasons behind these preferences. ReferenceGall, M., Borg, W., and Gall, J. (2002). Educational Research: An In troduction (7th ed.). Pearson, Allyn, & Bacon.Stringer, E. (2003). Action Research in Education (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Needs Assessment The Merchants of Cool is a documentary about researchers and marketers exploring out into the society to see what is popular or cool in the latest trends within teenagers. These people would spend days going around the streets, malls, and even schools to find out what is the next big thing that will give them the attention from people. They would have the teenagers participate in surveys and studies while analyzing them thoroughly to portray the founded characteristics into the media. These marketers realized that teenagers are actually portraying themselves to the media so the media would then reveal it back to the teenagers, which teenagers then sees it and portrays them that way. The only disadvantage of that was once the marketer reveals what is cool to the world, they would have to go on the radar and find out what is the next thing that is cool. We live in a culture, a consumer culture to be specific where we are driven to buy things, especially teenagers, which is fueled by corporate motivation to annual grow profits. There was a teenager in the video and she stated that no matter where she goes, she must always get ready to look nice before she leaves the house. As mentioned earlier, sometimes the media depicts things that will cause teenagers to feel like they are not good enough, thin enough, or pretty enough and the negative thoughts build up. Although this video was made about twelve years ago, teenagers are still the same as today. Teenagers should not have look into the media or advertisement to find out what they want or how are they supposed to be. Each individual is different with a unique mind so every teenager should act and be like however they want. Teenagers just needs to understand that the cool hunters are just being paid to find people who they think are cool to ask questions and find answers, which advertisers and producers will then use this cool information to sell more products.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Plan and Design a Small System Project Research Paper

Plan and Design a Small System Project - Research Paper Example ut at the center the System Development Life Cycle is resilient in its testing and implementation in the business, government and industry architecture. Actually, the System Development Life Cycle has been termed as one of the two dominant application development techniques in today’s world together with prototyping. Thus learning about System Development Life Cycle is still very crucial to students of all centuries. This article outlines System Development Life Cycle application in a real world health care environment entailing a core component of a sectional hospital care facility. The article may be used as pedagogical equipment in system analysis and design course, or even in an upper division or graduate course as a scenario of implementation of the System Development Life Cycle in practical application. Several aspects have been discussed that include the entire System Development Life Cycle in health care setup. SDLC has always been part of the information Technology family since the inception of modern digital computers (Wager, Lee, Glaser & Wager, 2009). Systems Analysis and Design course is requisite in various Management Information Systems application programs. Even though such lessons avail an overview of several means of acquiring or developing a software application, at their core such applications still contribute a significant amount of time to System Development Life Cycle as they ought to. As this paper will demonstrate, chronological steps and phases adherence is still an acceptable way of insuring the successful software development. Generally, SDLC has really evolved but at its core it still remains a vast technique used for developing software applications. Early dissertations of the SDLC upheld the arduous delineation of vital steps or stages to adhere to for any type of software development project (Loretz, 2005). The Waterfall Model is one of the common well-recognized forms of development. In this classic architecture, the technique

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Synthesis and Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Synthesis and Evaluation - Essay Example Friedman, therefore, wonders how a business can be said to have responsibilities, yet it is just an object. Similarly, Kotler & Zaltman (1971) agree that the objective of marketing a business strategy is to optimize profits. On a different note, however, while Kotler & Zaltman (1971) believe in the promising future of social responsibility in business, Freidman (1970) holds that businessmen who talk about social responsibility are puppets of social stratification. The difference in opinion, here is that Friedman does not believe in the future of social responsibility in business and is more objectivist. Kotler & Zaltman in contrast, though a bit objectivist, are more constructionist and still have faith in social responsibility of business. Some recent articles are similar in philosophy to seminal works, while others are not. Karnani (2010) is more objectivist just like Friedman, arguing that the idea that businesses can be socially responsible is a dangerous illusion. He argues that businesses only focus social responsibility in areas that promise massive profits. Carroll & Shabana (2010) on the other hand take on a more constructionist approach by arguing that indeed businesses can engage in social responsibility for the good of all stakeholders. Without the shareholders, the business would not exist. The latter, essentially, gives meaning to the former, thereby giving social responsibility in business a constructionist approach. Seminal works have a similar methodology as they rely more on qualitative methods to obtain data, specifically library sources. They constantly refer to the works of previous authors. Recent articles are different from seminal ones as they incorporate the use of both qualitative such as library sources and quantitative methods. Although recent scholars also make use of other literature, they also carry out researches and come up with statistical data to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Coccidioidomycosis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Coccidioidomycosis - Research Paper Example In areas regarded as Coccidioidomycosis â€Å"hot spots†, statistics indicate that over 70% of the populations in those areas have suffered from the infection. Coccidioidomycosis is relatively mild or even asymptomatic, but it can turn to be severe when it affects the elderly or immunocompromised. Etiology Coccidioidomycosis is caused by dimorphic, soil-borne, ascomycete fungi Coccidioidesimmitis and C.posadasii, which are soil-borne microorganisms. The two species differ in characteristics such as tolerance to heat and salt, but there is no any significant difference in their pathogenicity. The two species are soil saprophytes that propagate in semiarid regions that have sandy, alkaline soils. In the mold stage, Coccidioides species can survive under extreme environmental conditions such as alkaline, temperatures and high salinity conditions. However, these organisms fail to thrive well in the presence of other soil fungi and bacteria in conditions that do not make up their u sual niche (Clemons, 2007). Growth of Coccidioides species is facilitated by two asexual reproductive structures, which are the arthrospore and endospores. The molds growing in the environment produce the arthrospore that are later dispersed by wind. In favorable environmental conditions, arthrospore germinate into new mycelia. ... Epidemics are highly likely to occur when periods of heavy rains, which promote the growth of mycelia, are succeeded by seasons of drought and winds. Fully developed arthrospore are extremely resistant to harsh environmental conditions and remain viable in the environment for years in the soil and dust (Clemons, 2007). The arthroconidia infects the lungs to become spherules. The spherules increase in size creating a room for endospores to develop. After the spherules attain maturity, they rapture to release the endospores which form new spherules. In some cases, endospores can spread to other body parts through blood and lymph fluid causing systemic infection (Acton, 2011). In extremely rare occasions, Coccidiodomycosis can be spread directly between persons or from animals to human beings. Studies have shown that infections spread from one person to another are systemic in nature, which increases the chances of spreading. In other occasions, Coccidioides species can be transmitted t hrough organ transplant (Clemons, 2007). Epidemiology Coccidioides species are endemic in certain regions of the Western Hemisphere. Nearly all the areas that are endemic lie between latitudes 400 North and 400 South (Friis & Sellers, 2009). The endemic areas have semiarid climates marked with hot summers and alkaline soils suitable for propagation of Coccidioides spores. Studies have found out that Coccidiodomycosis infections are not only affecting people living in the endemic regions, but have found their way to other non-endemic regions. This phenomenon is attributed to the increased travel of populations of people to the endemic regions. Persons from non-endemic regions get Coccidioidomycosis infections, but it becomes difficult to diagnose the condition in those areas since

Friday, July 26, 2019

Create Writing Assignment and Grading Rubric for it Coursework

Create Writing Assignment and Grading Rubric for it - Coursework Example The main character was hugely affected by the process of confinement and torture. What role does psychology play in the analysis, understanding and relationship of the main character? During this era of feminism, John, the character’s husband contributed towards the attitude of men towards women. How does this attitude of machismo affect the character? How does it define the role of the character after the tumultuous relationship is observed? The paper should be 3 pages maximum. All the queries should be answered in precise and concise judgments that draw clear examples from the short story. American Psychological Association (APA) format, 6th edition should be effectively utilized in this written assignment. A succinct thesis statement will form the backdrop of the assignment. It is crucial to ensure that the thesis statement adequately maps out the direction of the written responses at each and every step. The essay should be as descriptive as possible, analyzing all written facts and presented evidences in line with the paper instructions. The main short story to be used in this analysis is Yellow Wallpaper. No other text other than the one mentioned should be used. Ensure accurate use of APA (6th edition), and in-text citations that include page

Muath Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Muath - Assignment Example Some of the uses of Facebook have been explained in this report in details. The report also explains the different social networking websites. The report then compares their functionalities with those of Facebook. Also, the differences between the different social networking websites and Facebook are identified and stated against each of the social networking website. The report further explains the context in which the social networks operate and the kind of users who make use of them. The report explains why the development of the social networking needs to be used and understood in our modern world. With the emergence of a number of social networks, there is a need to know which particular site is used for what purpose and which particular site to use for another purpose. The problems associated with having too many friends in Facebook have also been explained. It has been noted that, the use of Facebook has brought harm and benefit to society. Facebook users have been a target by criminals who obtain information about their whereabouts. Facebook has also been a challenge of handling the privacy issues. The benefits of Facebook can also be enjoyed by many since it has enabled the fast transfer of social information, sharing articles and updating on events. Facebook is a networking service for the society to communicate together. In this website, we can register as users then we can add friends, photos and videos, share links and games and exchange comments and messages. It has many features that are released time to time such as how would you like to receive the notifications, voice and video calls and the timeline page feature (Kirkpatrick, 2011). Facebook is one of the major set of social networking software used today on our society. It became into existence in 2004. Three college students led by Mark Zuckerberg came up with the idea of creating a platform in the form of a website where other students

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Internation Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internation Accounting - Essay Example Narsimha Rao and the finance minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in the year 1991. Through this reform foreign direct investment was brought in many sectors. By the 20th century India headed towards a free market economy which reduced the state control of the economy with increased financial liberalization (Datt & Sundharam, 2009, p. 976). The Indian economy is the eleventh largest in the world by the nominal GDP and the third largest in terms of the PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). In 2010-2011 India maintained a GDP growth rate of around 8% thus bringing down the fiscal deposit of the country to 4.8% of GDP by maintaining a current account deficit to 2.6%. However, the fiscal year 2001-2012 has been a challenging for the Indian economy. With the progressing year monetary tightening was witnessed in response to the untamed inflationary pressures. The gradual increase in inflation of the Indian economy resulted in slowing down the growth rate of India. In spite of the economic turmoil in the c ountry India still is goring at a rapid pace in comparison to other developing countries. This in turn is enhancing the opportunity of India to push through further reforms, generate economic opportunities and create infrastructure for the country (â€Å"Current State of Indian Economy†, 2012, pp.1-7). The Indian financial market has progressed over the years especially in the banking sector with 14 nationalized banks to provide 40% of their net credit to priority sectors so as to fulfill the developmental and social goals of the country. Company’s Business HDFC bank mainly provides service in wholesale banking, retail banking and treasury services undertaken by the company. In the whole sale banking the target customers of the... This paper shows that according to the study of HDFC bank we can conclude that the company is performing very well even ender the turmoil economic situation of the country. The evidence of which is their increased net profit which has amounted to Rs.113, 413, 323, 000. But the cost of revenue of the company has increased over the year which is cause of concern for the bank. The company is listed in National Stock Exchange in India. The bank has made some investment decision which has resulted in negative returns for the company. This has reduced the cash and cash equivalents of the company to Rs. 209, 377, 263, 000. The accounting principles that is adopted in India is a little different from that of IFRS which is usually applied in developed countries like America, Europe, etc. Thus the item under consideration is usually a little different from that of a manufacturing company and so is their process of accounting. Hence, the bank under consideration has been successful in generatin g an income of Rs. 325,300,466,000. This paper approves that the impairment of the assets is usually assessed in the balance sheet of the company. The occurrence of the impairment loss, if any is forecasted in the profit and loss statement of the company. This generally arises when the carrying cost of the assets exceeds the estimated recoverable amount. The revisions of the accounting estimates are prospectively recognized both in current as well as future periods.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Islamophobia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Islamophobia - Essay Example 'Islamophobia,' if any, especially as contested within a U.K. context, is just such an instance of an active (mis)labelling practice in which contestants - '(Jeudo-Christian) Occident' vs. '(Islamist) Orient' as possible (mis)labelled parties to contest - exchange exact same (mis)labelled identity signifier i.e. 'Islamophobic' not only in order to frame parties to contest but for an appropriation of what, ultimately, defines frames of contest per se. Indeed, much literature is dedicated to question (mis)appropriateness of 'Islamophobia' as a labeller of 'phobia' generated, presumably, from an increasingly 'visible' presence of Islam / Muslims in the U.K. in recent years. 1,2,3 The case for / against Islamophobia, depending on which party holds argument, is, in fact, made much blurry given ambiguity of what constitutes a Muslim identity in the first place. 4 Considering potentially multiple identities of U.K. Muslims 5,6, contestation between and This paper examines multilayered manipulations of Islamophobia as contested within a U.K context. The argument, first, discusses literature on race relations and immigration policies, more emphasis being laid on policies pertaining to Commonwealth subjects in Indian Subcontinent. An examination follows of how race-based (addressing ethnicity, assimilation and multiculturalism issues) as opposed to faith-based (addressing religious practices, rights, and interfaith relations) protections have much influenced and/or mixed up contestations over Islam, Muslims and, most importantly, Islamophobia, if any, within a U.K. context. Finally, Islamophobia is placed in a wider European context in which contestation over Islamophobia as such is connected to Continental debates on modern nation-states and multiculturalisms. Race, race relations and immigration policies Historically, Britain has received waves of immigrants of diverse descent for a multitude of reasons. Yet, post-World War II period, particularly during mid-1940's, 1950's and 1960's, witnessed unprecedented influx into major industrial cities for reconstruction efforts. 7,8 Up until late 1960's, no specific laws addressed inter-ethnic violence and conflict. Ironically, ex-colonies subjects were regarded, after all, as second class citizens. 9 Only when families of 'Asian' (primarily Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi) works started to 'flood' English cities and ports in what is referred to as 'chain immigration' (i.e. residents invite close family members and friends and, once [Insert Your Last Name] 4 settled, relatives and friends invite their own families and friends) did local acts of ethnic violence give prominence to and raise public awareness on a national level of 'alien' citizen status as part of British reality. 10 Still, post-World War II period is one characterised more by inflammatory statements made about nationals of 'non-British' blood and descent 11 rather than about

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Creating the Best Workplaces on Earth Research Paper

Creating the Best Workplaces on Earth - Research Paper Example rted Google as a privately owned company but due to the need of expansion from more capital input, Google became a publicly owned organization on August 19, 2004. They however have a combined 14 percent shareholding in the company and have a great deal of power in determining who leads the company. Google has had its mission statement as â€Å"To organize all the information in the world in a way that it becomes accessible and relevant globally (Google Inc, par. 3).† Most of the internet related products we use every day come from Google. For example, the World’s largest search engine is Google; it gives scholars the opportunity to explore the world of information and knowledge. Through the search engine, I can find out more about Google. The next major product is the online mail processor, Gmail. Gmail gives a world’s majority the opportunity to receive detailed and even short messages from any part of the world. Google Drive enables you to save your documents online for later use; it enhances the security of your documents. Google + is a social network service where every individual with a Gmail account can connect to other people in other parts of the world. Google is the leading producer of the Android mobile operating system, the Google Chrome browsing software. The G-Talk online communication tool gives me the chance to send messages and call friends all the time provided I have a connection to the internet. Google has collab orated with other telecommunication companies in the production of sate of the art devices such as the Nexus; produced in collaboration with Motorola. You-Tube, owned by Google, is the primary source of internet videos. Here are some surprising facts to show how important Google is in the world. In a single day, the company provides answers to over one billion requests through over a million servers. The company also provides over twenty- five petabytes of data in every 24 hours. Their website, has the highest number

Monday, July 22, 2019

Set Up and Operate a Business in Foreign Country Essay Example for Free

Set Up and Operate a Business in Foreign Country Essay This paper deals with the international business. It emphasizes on the means to start the business and the cost associated with the initiation of the business. It also describes the most important aspect of managing human resource. Because of the competitive environment, the need to do the business internationally has increased. This paper provides the overview of the two countries i. e. china and South Africa. Broad description of the legal processes that were supposed to be followed by the company to initiate business in the China has been explained. Apart from this, the staffing of local and expatriate staff along with the labor organization and legislation of the foreign country has been described. Therefore, the paper provides detailed analysis of the conditions that should be kept in mind while establishing business in the foreign country. Introduction International business is a term, which is used collectively to describe issues relating to the firm’s operations with interests in numerous countries. These firms are sometimes referred as multinational corporations. The main area of concern in the international business is the cultural considerations. These considerations include dissimilarity in law and legal systems, living standards, language barriers, climate and many more (Cherunilam, 2005). All these issues need to be overcome for an MNC in order to obtain success in an overseas venture. Nationwide economic growth and globalization of the economy provide an outstanding background for businesses in China as compared to the South Africa. Nevertheless, the growth of the company and sustainability can be hampered by the factors like industry consolidation, economic reform and globalization. The project of building substantial companies and integrating them effectively into the global marketplace is a complicated task. Reasons: Why Company Going Global Many companies and businesses get into international selling because of the existence of competitive environment. This environment compels the company to move further rather than staying at the same stage and size by just focusing on the quality. Another reason of growth and expansion is the fear of loosing the customers. If the company would not show sustainable growth, competitors would move ahead and chances of loosing of customers will increase (Cherunilam, 2005). Other general reasons for going international are: political changes like changes in the regulation of work and safety and economic changes that include cost of production. If there is an increase in the cost of production at home, company looks for places where cost of production is reasonable. The four major objectives that compel the company to go for international business are: to enlarge the sales, to successfully get hold of the resources, to diversify the sources of sales and to look for the diversifying the supplies (Kazmi, 2002). Overview Population China: China is a socialist republic and the most populous country with population over 1. 3 billion. It is having 90. 9% literacy rate (male: 95. 1% female: 86. 5%). The average educational achievement in China is low. South Africa: South Africa is a nation of diverse origins, languages, cultures and beliefs with population over 47-million. It is having 86. 4% literacy rate (male 87% female 85. 7%) of total population. The average educational achievement in South Africa is very low. Geographical Location  China: China is located in Eastern Asia bordering the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea and South China Sea between North Korea and Vietnam. China has mountains, high plateaus, deserts in west and plains, deltas, and hills in eastern region. The geographic coordinates of China are 35 °00N, 105 °00E. The total area coverage of China is 9,596,960 square kilometers (land area is 9,326,410 square km and water is 270,550 square km). China is the worlds third-largest country in total area after Russia and Canada, and the second largest country by land area. The total land boundary is 22,117 km and the border countries are Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam. China’s coastline is 14,500 km (China, 2008). South Africa: South Africa is located at the southern region of Africa. The geographic coordinates of South Africa are 29 00 S, 24 00 E. The total area is 1,219,912 sq km. The total land boundary is 4,862 km and the border countries are Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Its coastline is 2,798 km. South Africa’s northwest region is desert and eastern is well watered. GDP, Per Capital Income, Current Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate China: The GDP is $3. 42 trillion and officially recorded GDP growth rate is 11. 4% in 2007, per capital income is $ 2000, inflation rate is 7% in 2007 and it has jumped to 8. 7 percent in February after severe winter storms disrupted the economy and worsened food shortages (Chinas inflation at decade high, 2008). Unemployment rate in urban area is 8%-10% (China Unemployment rate, 2008). South Africa: The GDP is $283 billion, real GDP growth rate is 5. % in 2007, per capita income is $ 5700, inflation rate is 7. 1% and unemployment rate is 23% in Sep. 2007 (South Africa: Profile, 2008). Type of Legal System China: The legal system is based on civil law system. It is derived from Soviet and continental civil code legal principles. The legislature holds the power to interpret the acts. There are seven categories of laws in china’s legal system; these are: the constitution and related laws, civil and commercial laws, administrative laws, economic laws, social laws, criminal laws, and litigation and non-litigation procedural laws (The Constitution and Legal System, 2008). South Africa: The legal system is based on Roman-Dutch law and English common law. There is an independent judiciary in South Africa. Constitutional Court and Supreme Court are the highest court in the country. Constitutional Court deals with constitutional matters and Supreme Court deals with the final appeals of all the other matters. The bill of rights provides fundamental political and social rights to South Africas citizens (South Africa, 2008). Type of Economic System China: China is a major economic power and it has great potential of the development. Previously, the public sector was in dominant position, but after 2001, a socialistic market economy is taking place in China and the intensive mode is replacing the extensive mode of economic growth (Economic System, 2008). South Africa: The South African economy is an industrialized and productive economy. It has inadequate distribution of income wealth. Labor is divided into formal and informal sector. Formal sector is more developed, which is based on agriculture, manufacturing, services and mining. South Africa is looking forward for privatization along with free arket economy and favorable investment climate (Economy: South Africa, 2008). Type of Political System China: The National People Congress is the highest authority of state power in China. The people congress system is the fundamental political system in China. The representatives are elected by people at all levels. South Africa: The South African Republic is a federal state constituting of a national government and nine provincial governments. The constitution of South Africa was adopted in 1996 and implemented officially on 4 February, 1997. President of South Africa is the executive head of the state and leads the cabinet. He is elected for a two five year terms by the parliament (South Africa, 2008). Estimates of Future Economic Growth General Economic Projects China: China has become the world’s fastest growing economy after the economic reforms in 1979. It has achieved 11. 4% GDP growth rare in 2007. Industrial manufacturing expansion has contributed in China’s rapid economic growth. European Union, Japan, United States, Hong Kong and ASEAN are the major trading partner of China. Rapid economic growth of China results in an increase in income, which in turn makes China a huge market for a variety of goods and services. So it would be beneficial for any company to start operation in China. South Africa: In previous years, South African economy was not doing well. Government was facing the problem of unemployment and poverty. But in recent years, country is seeking to achieve stable growth rate. To promote economic growth, South Africa is making optimal use of available resources and reducing completer dependence on primary sector industries. South African companies are now investing in retail, banking services, telecommunication and shipping industry. Government is seeking to liberalize its economic policies to attract FDI and increase future economic growth and now outsider companies may think to start its operations in South Africa. Social and Cultural Factors Social factor in China: In China, the main focus of the business entities is on the corporate social responsibility. The Chinese region has become the region full of opportunities for MNC’s in these days because of the rapid rise, elaborating receptiveness and growing consumer market. The social factors reflect the true picture of society’s attitude towards the corporate. The symmetrical society structure stimulates forces on businesses for concentrating on corporate social responsibility (Kyoon, 2007). Cultural factors in China: Understanding the culture of a country is one of the important factors in front of modern organizations. The traditions and customs vary among towns, cities and provinces in China. The social network structures in China assist in understanding the information sharing between the people (Kyoon, 2007). The Chinese environment is now open for the outsiders. The cultural values include the belief in God, unity, optimism and readiness to work together according to the rules of law. Social factor in South Africa: The social environment of South Africa is highly imbalanced and not much developed. It suffers from the problems of increasing population, poverty, illiteracy and lack of resources. The population of South Africa was 40. 6 million in 1996, which is growing rapidly at the rate of 2% per year. If the same trend continues, then by the year 2035, the population of South Africa will be approximately 86 million. This will be a problematic situation as the country has limited resources to support its increasing population. There is already a pressure on the resources to meet the needs and requirements of the people (Social Environment, 1999). Many people in the country live in informal and inadequate houses and just half of the population lives in towns and cities. Many people living in rural as well as urban areas even do not have access to water supply, electricity, sanitation and other services. Nowadays, the urban population of South Africa is rapidly increasing because of factors like growing employment opportunities, land reform and restitution and immigration from other countries. Unemployment and poverty are the major problems in South Africa that affect the social life of the people. The poverty level is the highest among the Black population of South Africa. It has reached up to a level of 60%. The education level of the country has increased as compared to the previous year levels, as the country has reformed its educational system. Almost, all South Africans now have access to education but still about 7. 5 million people are functionally illiterate. Such factors contribute to high crime rates in the country that have noticeably increased in the urban areas. These and other factors contribute to the high crime rates currently experienced in many urban centers. To promote sustainable development and reduce social imbalances such as poverty, unemployment and pressure on natural resources, the Government has developed a number of policies and passed a number of laws aiming at some constructive work in this direction. These include the Reconstruction and Development Programme, a White Paper on Population Policy, and the National Crime Prevention Strategy (Social Environment, 1999). Cultural Factor in South Africa: Africa has a diverse cultural environment with about 800 languages spoken all over the continent. Among these, South Africa have 11 official languages of its own, i. e. English, Afrikaans, Tsonga, Xhosa, Ndebele, Southern Sotho, Zulu, Tswana, Venda, Northern Sotho, and Swati. There are many cross-cultural challenges that are critical to success and organizations should be prepared to face these challenges. Analysis  The company has chosen china for its operations as china has successfully emerged as the best suitable market for the consumer products, especially in terms of the growth rate, potential and the market size. China is providing huge benefits to attract the players from the United States. The growth graph of the china depicts that the market of the consumer electronics is growing with a CAGR of 11. 7 percent from the year 2002 to 2006. Future also shows the greater intensity of market growth. There is a greater possibility of bright future in Consumer Products. The Company is willing to start its operation. Another major factor for establishing operation in china is the population as it is regarded the driving factor for any business. Apart from this, there is a well established market of credit card, which has increased the popularity of the consumer products in the country (Windsor Jones, 1999). China is the highly populous country and demands for consumer products are fuelling with greater pace. In china, urban centers are emerging which are called secondary cities, which comprise of 8 to 10 million people. These cities have huge buying power and industrial development. These cities would be best for the company’s operations and are located interiorly away from the cost. Tsingtao is a city, which is suitable for the operation of the company because its urban area is quickly expanding. It is also having excellent connections with the countryside. The disposable income of the people is quite similar to the people in the bigger cities. Another reason for selecting this place is that the people in this city show greater likeability towards the product of the United States and relate the product with greater degree of integrity. People show positive view and experience towards the U. S consumer products. Operations In order to establish operation in china, company’s chairperson should visit these cities, must talk to the local officials and begin networking. Apart from this, the most important thing is to analyze the competitors’ working and strategies. Another step that the company can adopt is subcontracting, which can be done by forming joint ventures with the manufacturers of china. If the company doesn’t possess enough resources for joint venture, company can go for forming the partnership or consortium in the United States. This consortium acts as the legal entity, which can form partnership with the Chinese manufacturer. The advantage of the consortium is that it reduces risk and the cost for the company (Barron, 2006). While selecting the operations, evaluation should be made based on the analysis of cash accounting and not on absorption accounting. As in absorption accounting, the fixed costs are prorated over small volume of production and thus the number obtained can deter company from moving production to a subcontractor. The other operations include: integrity of product and trade safety, fair balanced economic development, financial sector reform, security energy efficiency, sustainability in environment and bilateral investment. All the above mentioned reforms would help the company to establish business opportunities in china. The agreement between the United States and China that relates to conduction of business with extensive cooperation covers the issue of climate change, environmental sustainability and energy security. This type of agreement would advance the innovation in the technology and the acceptance of extremely-efficient and clean energy technology will encourage the development of technology so as to address the changes in the climate and promoting natural resources. Three major factors, which can determine the success in the Chinese market and should be kept in mind, are: †¢Culture: Understanding of Chinese culture and behavior can provide better option to fulfill the demands of the customers. †¢Value Proposition: This includes having the knowledge of technical know how and understanding the level of competitiveness. †¢Negotiation: The Company should implement negotiation technique as per the way of Chinese. Success of doing business in China depends greatly on the extent of adoption to the requirements of he local customs instead of the value proposition of foreign investors. Legal processes In the process of starting a new business, Legal and regulatory processes play a very vital role. Legal processes include several restrictions, intrusive bureaucracy, dissimilar understanding of regulations from place to place even between authorities and recent formulations of policies that are aimed at safeguarding the domestic companies. Therefore, before starting any operation in the foreign country (china) the company should understand regulations and their applications before entering into any agreement. The company should look for legal proposals from experienced professional firms. Due attention should be given to the financial and legal background and also on the reputation of key partners. Apart from this, partners and employees should be educated on the protection of the intellectual property. If required, the rights can be enforced but for this, all the terms and conditions should be well known. Management Organization Structure Organization structure plays a vital role in determining the success of the company in the host country. Therefore, there is a requirement of change in the organization structure in order to accommodate a firm’s internationalization approach in answer to the worldwide competition. Significant research has shown that the structure of the firm must be conducive to the strategy implementation. In simple words, it can be said that the structure should â€Å"fit† the strategy. Managers should work towards achieving the fit between the structure and the strategy (Gupta, 2007). Management organizational structure refers to the representation of a formal structure, which describes relationship inside an organization. The level to which authorization is assigned ascertains centralization and decentralization. Most of the MNC’s in their initial phases of globalization utilized an international section traversing certain regions of the world to manage the functions in those regions. Matrix organizational structure is very effective for the business. The structure of the organization is decentralized, which merge the advantages of being large with the agility and concentration of smaller organizations. The small segments of the business assist in concentrating more on the needs and equirements of the customers and employees effectively. The company’s employees are associated with the goals and objectives for an established global enterprise. The organization is mainly focusing on the way in which the products and services are delivered to the customers. The development and marketing of products and services in an effective provision provide specialized and quality services to external and internal customers. The autonomous operating companies broaden the geographic reach of the associates around the world and provide larger marketplace and product focus. This way, the employees get closer to the customers and business. The employees would be able to gain more sensation of ownership in driving the business. The employees are authorized to aim their business to fulfill the varying needs of customers inside their regions (Mathew, 2003). The decentralized operating companies, associates and business sections are joined in the organization structure, which ensures that the activities are aligned with the overall strategic objectives. All the employees perform their work systematically with the high ethical standards. As the company rises, the structure also develops, assuring the effective growth of the business portfolio. In recent years, the business sections have constituted shared service groups that raise and confirm the capabilities of the individual companies in the elementary domains of responsibility. The corporate headquarters in the U. S. function with the family of companies for producing great synergism and efficiency by collaboration, dispersion of better patterns and organization of shared business information. The corporate headquarters render direction and services in different critical areas, which include human resources, finance, advertising, and law. The consequences of environmental circumstance (instability of technology), industrial circumstance (production technology) and organization structure on the involvement of customer in product development are the main areas of concentration in China (Windsor Jones, 1999). The earlier results demonstrate that for going through customer orientation in the firms at China, the company has to modulate towards market driven economic entities.

The Compulsory Process Clause Of The Sixth Amendment Essay Example for Free

The Compulsory Process Clause Of The Sixth Amendment Essay The sixth amendment to the U. S. Constitution guarantees the defendant â€Å"compulsory process. †1 For this provision was ignored, until the Supreme Court gave it life in Washington v. Texas, 388 U. S. 14 (1967). One night, Jackie Washington learned a girl he was dating, Jean Carter, was seeing another boy. Angry, Washington and Charles Fuller got a shotgun and drove to Carter’s house. Leaving others in their car, Washington and Fuller got out, with Washington carrying the shotgun. Moments later, the shotgun was fired, killing Carter’s boyfriend. Fuller and Washington ran to the car, with Fuller now holding the shotgun. Fuller was charged with murder, convicted, and sentenced to 50 years in prison. Texas then brought Washington to trial for murder. At his trial, Washington testified that as he approached the house, he realized that what he was doing was crazy, and decided to go back. Fuller, drunk, grabbed the shotgun, saying he was going to shoot someone. Washington tried to get Fuller to leave, but Fuller insisted on going on. Washington then ran towards the car. He was running away when the shotgun was fired. At the trial, Washington then tried to call Fuller as a witness to corroborate his story, but the prosecution objected. Under a Texas law, if the prosecution had called Fuller as a witness against Washington, he could testify, but Washington was barred from presenting Fuller as a witness. Fuller, who was present in the courtroom, was not allowed to testify. Washington was convicted of murder. Washington appealed, arguing that he had not been accorded his right to compulsory process. Texas responded that Washington had been accorded all compulsory process entitled him to. Because Fuller was in prison at the time of the trial, Washington’s attorney had issued a subpoena to have him appear in court to testify. Texas authorities had complied with the subpoena. They had brought Fuller from the prison to the court, so that he was in the courtroom, though barred from testifying. Texas insisted that this was â€Å"compulsory process. † The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that this was not constitutionally sufficient. Compulsory process would mean little if it gave the defendant only the right to bring to the courtroom persons who could not testify. The Constitution did not make such hollow gestures. For the compulsory process clause to be meaningful, the defendant had to have the right to have his witnesses appear and testify, so that the jury could hear what the witness had to say. Texas justified its rule by arguing that its statute was meant to protect against witnesses who would lie for one another. In this instances, Fuller had been convicted. But what if Fuller had been found not guilty and then in Washington’s trial confessed his own guilt while exonerating Washington. However persuasive this argument seemed, the Court rejected it, insisting that issues of the believability of a witness were for the jury to decide. A rule which denied a defendant a right promised in the Bill of Rights could not stand where it was based on the unproved and unprovable presumption that any given class of defense witnesses were presumed to be unbelievable. If Fuller was such an unbelievable witness if he was testifying for Washington, why was he presumed truthful if testifying against him? The better policy, the Court insisted, the policy which the Constitution required was to allow all witnesses who had relevant and material evidence to testify, letting the jury find the truth. This case, Washington v. Texas, made the concept of compulsory process as guaranteed by the sixth amendment an important part of a modern justice system.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Welfare State and Social Policies in Britain

Welfare State and Social Policies in Britain What are the essential characteristics of ‘conservative’ welfare states? Given that welfare states are normally associated with left of centre governments, and the supposed hostility of conservative right wing parties toward high levels of state intervention, the term ‘conservative welfare states’ seems somewhat of an anomaly. Nonetheless, there are definite examples of conservative states that not only refrain from fighting the welfare state but actually encourage the dependence of citizens on the government. This can be traced back to the Bismarckian ‘corporatist’ system of 19th century Germany, in which it was seen as in the interests of the state to look after the welfare of its citizens. This type of welfare state (in its extreme form) is less about reducing inequality and improving citizens lives than it is maintaining the status quo – a hierarchical system based on a culture of dependence (Esping-Anderson, 1990). Conservative welfare states are often religious and/or nationalist in nature, with a strong emphasis on family values. Epitomising such characteristics is arguably George Bush’s current reign. Despite initial cuts in public expenditure, government spending has actually increased faster under Bush than it did under Bill Clinton, with an increase of almost 33%. The religious aspect of Bush’s conservative system is illustrated with reference to his 2001 pledge to give billions of dollars to faith-based charities. Accepting the inevitability of ‘big government’ (and thus the end of Conservative emphasis on cutting spending), the republican government under Bush has prioritised public spending partly according to religious preferences. Therefore, a ‘conservative’ welfare state is one which uses welfare as a control mechanism, to advance a particular way of thinking – for instance religion, nationalism – on its citizens. What impact has social policy in Britain had on minority ethnic groups? One of the greatest challenges for social policy in Britain has been to encompass minority ethnic groups, and in many ways it has failed to achieve this. Bochel points out that for many years social policy has been reluctant to recognize ethnic diversity, intending to be universal in character, so the issue of race has long been overlooked. This has had a significant impact on minority ethnic groups as the discrimination that they most definitely suffer in the labour market and in the community has not been properly addressed. Research has shown that men and women from ethnic minority groups are twice as likely to be unemployed as white Britons, and other social indicators echo this pattern. Ethnic minorities are also more likely to undertake low-paid, low-skilled work, and the vicious circle that stems from this – inferior housing, poorer living standards, and substandard schools in deprived areas – is actually partly caused by the welfare state system, which instituti onalises this discrimination. The unique problems faced by ethnic minorities must be addressed individually, and until recently social policy has failed to do this. Furthermore, the emphasis on tackling crime that has underpinned New Labour’s social policy and that of the previous Conservative governments has impacted on ethnic minorities due to the often discriminatory nature of initiatives to cut crime. The ‘stop and search’ programme is unfairly targeted toward black youths, to the extent that many believe being black is tantamount to a social problem (McGhee, 2005). Such flaws in British social policy have undoubtedly contributed to a growing sense of isolation amongst ethnic minority groups, and thus it could be argued that social policy is often more harmful than beneficial. What have been the most significant changes in the size and use of public social expenditure in the UK in the past 30 years? The 1970s certainly marked a watershed in British history with regard to the welfare state; however, to claim that the past 30 years has witnessed a roll-back of the state and a decline in public spending is at best too simplistic and at worst incorrect. In fact, research has shown that from the late 1970s, public spending as a proportion of GDP has remained fairly stable. Thatcher certainly espoused the merits of small government and individualism and bemoaned the high levels of government spending associated with the economic crises of the 1970s, but the welfare state had become entrenched in British society, practically to the point of no return. There have, though, been significant changes in the use of public spending, as governments have been forced to re-prioritise spending (Alcock et al). For example, spending on education has increased in the past 30 years, whereas the Conservative and New Labour governments have attempted to tighten their budgets in the area of income suppo rt through an increase in means testing for benefits. NHS spending has also increased significantly under Labour following the 1999 Comprehensive Spending Review, by approximately 4.7% annually (Alcock et al). Ultimately, governments in the past 30 years have strived to improve the efficiency of public services, and this has accounted for the changes in the use of public social expenditure. What was distinctive about the ‘classic welfare state’ in Britain from the 1940s to the 1970s? Although it is important not to overlook the pre-1940 foundations upon which the welfare state was built, one cannot deny that the concept of the welfare state was most fully realized in Britain between 1940 and 1970. Building on the strong sense of collectivism that characterized the war years, the public and the government alike reached the consensus that state intervention was necessary to ensure that Britain would meet its full economic potential. It is widely regarded that the subsequent policies stemmed from a combination of the economic philosophy of John Maynard Keynes and the social philosophy of William Beveridge. The fact that a basic framework of social policy emerged for the first time was distinctive because it complemented the political and economic rights afforded to citizens from the turn of the century. Moreover, it represented the beginning of a rights-based citizenship in Britain (Alcock et al). It was also effectively the first time since the development of polit ical parties that the common good of the nation prevailed over partisan differences. Asa Briggs’ classic essay identified three principal elements of the welfare state which were distinctive from the pre-war period. The aim was to ensure the guarantee of minimum standards (including income), social protection by the state at times of need and the provision of services at a maximum level (Briggs, 1985). Another distinctive factor was that this protection was to be universal – unlike the poor laws of the Victorian times, access to welfare was to be ‘free at the point of delivery’ for all, without the stigma previously attached to welfare support. Of course, the ideal of the welfare state was never truly realized and disagreements regarding policy were common, but the consensus that emerged from the Second World War undoubtedly marked a major turning point in British history regarding the development of social policy. References Alcock, C. Introducing Social Policy, Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. Bochel, H. Social Policy: Issues and Development, Oxford University Press, 2005 Briggs, A. The Collected Essays of Asa Briggs, Harvester Press, 1985 Esping-Anderson, G. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge, 1990 McGhee, D. Intolerant Britain, Open University Press, 2005

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Global Warming is Here. Now What? Essay -- Climate Change, Synthesis E

Global warming denial and unprogressive energy outlooks are all products of not seeing the full picture. The evidence is clear, even in nature. Plants are blooming earlier, animals are waking up from hibernation earlier, birds are migrating farther north, and populations of animals have already gone extinct due to global warming. Yet, some still stay stern in denying its reality. That being said, even honest open-minded people can fall prey to misleading notions and statistics. To truly uncover the truth, we need to see the full picture. While researching climate change, with the mountains of false or cherry-picked data out there, you certainly learn to be skeptical of a source's creditability. You also, learn the importance of getting the full picture, rather than just a partial one. Heres a few examples, of what I'm talking about. A while back many were convinced that because CO2 follows global surface temperature increase by about 800-1000 years, that CO2 as a cause of global warming was disproved. Which made sense; how can a cause follow a result? It seemed to go against the basic order of cause and effect. Al Gore even strengthened the argument, by mistakenly telling the audience in his video An Inconvenient Truth, that CO2 lead temperature. So when that statement turned out to be false, many people came to the conclusion that climatologists were wrong about CO2, and if they were wrong about a major cause than maybe they were wrong about global warming all together. However, unknown to most of those people at the time, climatologists were already very aware of CO2's lag behind temperature. The complexity of the process was already known. It isn't a straight forward cause and effect ordeal. The initiator is... ...ance of the greenhouse effect. Information I will use to explain the greenhouse effect. "FORD PLANNING NEW ELECTRIC, HYBRID AND PLUG-IN VEHICLES IN NEXT 4 YEARS." Ford Motor Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2010. Information on the Ford Focus electric car. I could use the Ford Focus electric car as an example. Paddock, Barry. "Nissan Leaf vs. the Chevrolet Volt: Electric car war heats up New York International Auto Show." NY Daily News. N.p., 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 13 May 2010. Information on both the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt electric cars. Both cars can be used as example, and to show the difference in models. Edwards, Ross. "Electric Car Battery Swapping Station Launched in Japan." N.p., 30 Apr. 2010. Web. 13 May 2010. Contains information on the Electric car replacement stations. Vital in explaining why electric cars are the future.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Mathematics Technology Lesson Plan :: essays research papers

NTeQ Lesson Plan Project Title: Developing Time Management Unit Topic: Statistics and Data Collection Grade Level: High School (9th-12th) Overview: Students all over the world seem to battle with time management. Many students are involved in extra-curricular activities, or they work while they attend school. Therefore, they not only have the burden of the everyday school assignments, they have several responsibilities outside of school itself. This project will allow students to communicate with students from other tellecollaborating classrooms to discuss the issue of expectations versus time and create a project on their data. This project will provide the opportunity to research topics on how our lifestyles affect our health. Another important aspect of this project is to propose ideas for why we are so constricted by time and if our time constraints have changed over the years. The project will take three weeks to complete and it will address content in mathematics, health, history, and language arts. The students will be responsible for developing their own questions in the survey they will conduct. The surveys will need to be word processed. They will survey a variety of people asking fellow students how much time they spend various activities each day. The students will then classify the information into categories they feel are important. These categories can be discussed with the tellecollaborating classrooms for further input. Once they have collected sufficient data they will present the information on a spreadsheet through a program like Microsoft Excel. After analyzing the data the students will research the information they found through resources such as the library and/or Internet. Once the students have gained sufficient knowledge from their research they will need to develop a paper/presentation on the effects of time constraints and how it has changed through out the years. They can begin by organizing their ideas using concept map software. In displaying the data t he student will have the opportunity to develop a PowerPoint presentation. Objectives: Students will be able to: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Collect data and present ideas that support the data. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Present the data in the form of a spreadsheet. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Analyze data to support and draw conclusions. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Classify information. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Identify ways to collect information. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Express data and interpretation of data in a presentation. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Expand their understanding of mathematics in real world settings. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Understand and interpret graphs and charts. Benchmarks/Standards: Patterns, Relationships and Functions (Strand I, Standard I, and Benchmark II) Analyze, interpret and translate among representations of patterns including tables, charts, graphs, matrices and vectors. Patterns, Relationships and Functions

Comparing The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor and The Flea Ess

Comparing Wyatt’s The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor and Donne’s The Flea  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Every century has its own poetry; poetry has its own personality and aspects, especially love poems.   In the sixteenth century, poems about love were more about the court than the lover.   In the next century (the seventeenth), the poems of love were more about courting the lover.   An author from the sixteenth century, Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder, is well known for his lyrics pertaining to love.   An author from the seventeenth century is John Donne, who is most famous for his love-poetry.   When comparing these two authors, the theme of love is very apparently different.   Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder’s love poems, such as â€Å"The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor,† â€Å"bear an imprint of a strongly individual personality.   But the personality is a very different one from John Donne’s. †1 One of John Donne’s lyrics, â€Å"The Flea,† is an exemplary of the seventeenth century’s love poems that have a theme that focuses on the lover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the sixteenth century, the poems were obviously not written for the lover, but for the court.   The poem â€Å"The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor† expresses this point through its imagery of a battle.   Not many people would compare their love to a battle, because if they did, it probably would not be a true love.   Wyatt’s conceit is a siege (battle), and he concentrates on the theme that the lover suffers in this poem.   Wyatt’s poems are not typical love poems; most people would expect desire, true love winning in t... ...found in the sixteenth century.   The seventeenth century is more open to the idea of a physical love as well as a spiritual love.   The sixteenth century focuses on love in the court rather than the lovers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme of love in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is treated the same in some regards and differently in others.   On the whole, Donne compares love to what he feels, whereas Wyatt compares love to a battle.   Poems about love have drastically changed throughout the centuries.   Love poems have evolved, as have people.   But as the poem â€Å"The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor† cites, â€Å"For good is the life ending faithfully.†Ã‚   It’s all worth it in the end.   â€Å"It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.†   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Music At Highlander Essay

Music is a powerful tool of expression. Whether produced or listened to, it can reveal deep aspects of ones personality. Song’s can hold unique personal meanings through memory or message. During time’s of desperation, music’s constant rhythm can provide a fortress of comfort and steadiness. Music is depended upon for security, care, inspiration, and as a safe haven to be able to express freely. The Highlander Folk School is depended upon for the same reasons. These two schools of thought not only share similar relationship’s with people, but they are practiced together frequently. â€Å"Song, music and food are integral parts of education at Highlander. Music is one way for people to express their traditions, longings, and determination† (158). Myles Horton seemed certainly aware of the importance music had at Highlander, but never expressed it further than this quote from near the end of his autobiography, The Long Haul. How big of a role did music play in the Highlander education? Producing a safer environment, a more enriched education, and the ability to unleash potential, music was essential in the Highlander education. Music is nonjudgmental. There is no right or wrong, it just is what it is. People take away from music whatever they want. Myles Horton set up Highlander to work in the same way. He offered a community that practiced social equality, no discrimination or lack of freedom of speech. He offered workshops on what the people wanted to work on, and then left it to them to take away and use what they want. This was the organic structure of education Horton preached. He also focused on the surroundings needed to support this education. â€Å"The job of the staff members is to create a relaxed atmosphere in which the participants feel free to share their experiences† (150). Without an environment where people felt safe and comfortable in, this system would stay only a theory. Music kept this structure stable. Group songs created a platform for different cultures to bond and understand each other. It created comfort, security, and an environment full of love. Myles describes Highlander as, â€Å"A long tapestry with a weft made up of many colors†¦All of them are of a piece and blend in, and all are based on a love for humanity and trust in the ability of people to control their own lives enventually† (134). Myles Horton believed in experiential-based education. He endorsed student to student discussions. The learning happens between sharing stories and experiences from each other. He tried mixing as many cultures, ideas, and perspectives together to provide an enriched collection of experiences. â€Å"Another enrichment was the use of music and storytelling†¦In fact, the history of Highlander could in many important ways be told by the music – traditional songs and songs of struggle – that was brought there by the people† (133). Music at Highlander connected to people through messages, memories and traditions which provided student’s with enriched experiences to grow from. Some songs brought hidden truths to light, others inspired groups to come together. Church hymns were adapted and used as union songs (158). Every song brought with it some sense of tradition or culture to learn from. Before Highlander was established, Horton went to Denmark to get inspired by their folk high schools. He recalls an old director telling him that, â€Å"Through songs and poetry, students could grasp truths that might otherwise escape them, and that singing in unison was an effective way of inspiring people and bringing them closer together† (52). Music was a integral part of the Highlander education because it created student union and providing more enriched experiences to learn from. Music nurtures self-esteem and encourages creativity, self-confidence, and curiosity. Horton tries to nurture and encourage the same from students at Highlander. Myles viewed himself as a gardener and his job â€Å"to provide opportunities for people to grow, to provide a climate which nurtures islands of decency, where people can learn in such a way that they continue to grow† (133). Music helped provide this caring climate by installing tradition and comfort. Singing in unison provided an opportunity for students to grow by encouraging self-confidence and self-esteem. Group singing also help solidify a Highlander fundamental belief; trust people and believe in their ability to think for themselves. Empower people collectively, not individually. Bernice Robinson and Myles Horton learned early on in the first Citizenship School classes that, â€Å"You couldn’t just read and write yourself into freedom. You had to fight for that and you had to do it as part of a group, not as an individual† (104). Music lets students demonstrate the beauty and power of collective unison without actually leaving Highlander and protesting. This experience was invaluable in naturing and growing students. Myles Horton reveals near the end of his book, â€Å"Other than encouraging others, I made no significant contributions to music at the school, unless you count the verse I added to â€Å"We Shall Overcome† – â€Å"The truth shall make us free† (158). This statement shows his compassion for justice and his awareness of the importance of music at Highlander. Horton’s wife, Zilphia, is described by him as, â€Å"The moving spirit in shaping the singing and music program at Highlander (158). Many pictures in the book display Zilphia leading striker’s in song or Folk concerts at Highlander by Pete Seeger & Friends (156,157,159). Horton seemed to be surrounded by music through out his life and the education structure at Highlander is influenced by this. Music played a vital role at Highlander by providing an enriched environment nurturing students to ‘learn in such a way that they continue to grow’.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Biomedical approach Essay

The Biomedical orgasm includes the administration of sundry(a) pharmacological agents which toilette be utilise to treat mixed mental disorders. It is usually administered for short durations in combination with psychotherapy. It brings back to normal the dissimilar chemical substances that ar present in the brain (neurotransmitters). When the neurotransmitter levels are normal, the effect of psychotherapy would be better. The biomedical feeler notify be utilized to treat various psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, etc (MINDD Foundation, 2008).The psychodynamic approach includes various theories that utilize the internal drives and forces that whitethorn be present in the singular (some of which may be unconscious), to ensure that the someone can undergo a psychological change and get to better influence over several businesss. It is effectively utilized in pain management. Psychodynamics is considered to be the fundamental interaction of the id , ego and the superego so as to carry through ones needs (which play an important component part in the development of the personality). The psychodynamic approach was positive by the followers of Sigmund Freud.This approach gives great consideration to the unconscious motives that affect appearance, emotions and feelings. The behavior of adults is strongly affected by the childhood motives (Simply Psychology, 2009). The humanistic-existential approach concentrates on the motivations and the needs of the respective(prenominal) and is similar to the psychoanalytical theory. This therapy focuses greater on the free will of the individual instead than on obstructing human nature. This is one of the study differences that are present between humanistic-existential and psychoanalytical approach.It also tends to concentrate greater on firmness of purpose the problem rather than the problem itself (University of Hawaii, 2008). Cognitive and behavior therapy (CBT) is a fibre of ps ychotherapy that involves determining and sorting break improper thoughts (that may be associated with depression), solving various problems and improving the problem-solving skills, and ensuring that people are able to engage in more(prenominal) enjoyable activities (that can ensure that the individual learns about potentially rewarding activities and performs them in the future) (University of statute mile, 2006). Reference Simply Psychology (2008).Psychodynamic Approach, Retrieved on may 29, 2009, from Web situate http//www. simplypsychology. pwp. blueyonder. co. uk/psychodynamic. hypertext mark-up language The MINDD Foundation (2008). The Biomedical Approach, Retrieved on may 29, 2009, from Web site http//mindd. org/s/archives. php/48-Biomedical-Treatments. hypertext markup language The University of Hawaii (2008). The Biological Paradigm, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site http//www2. hawaii. edu/heiby/overheads_%20paradigms. html University of Michigan Depression Center (2006). Cognitive behavioural Therapy, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site http//www. med. umich. edu/depression/cbt. htm

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular based its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the dynamic programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin from software that integrates information extract from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through second one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software particular application both rigid and flexible.Knowledges handling adds strategic price.The function of human resources (HR) departmen ts is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. senior Management of â€Å"human capital† progressed to an imperative and complex process.The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.Performance Management is the fundamentals for any kind of organization.

The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human valuable resource management systems enabled higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass:1. Payroll2. Time and attendance3.Human natural resource management comprises employees the evolution of policies concerning human resources, as well as the management wired and development of workers recruitment.Performance record8. Employee self-service9. Scheduling10. Absence management11.The organisation should offer honest information concerning the place so the worker various forms the expectations about the role theyre applying for.

The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in data large collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data analysis features. Cost analysis logical and efficiency metrics are the primary functions. The benefits administration module provides a system for international organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. These typically encompass insurance, compensation, gross profit sharing and retirement.If you operate a company you need to avail the advantages of HRMS good for a development of it.Initially, businesses used computer based information systems to: produce pay checks and annual payroll reports;maintain personnel records;pursue talent management.Online recruiting has become one of the primary methods employed by HR departments to garner potential candidates for available positions within an organization. Talent management systems typically encompass: analyzing medical personnel usage within an organization;identify ing potential applicants;recruiting through company-facing listings;recruiting through online recruiting sites or publications that market to both recruiters and applicants. The significant cost incurred in maintaining an organized recruitment effort, cross-posting within and across brigadier general or industry-specific job boards and maintaining a competitive exposure of availabilities has given rise to the further development of a dedicated applicant tracking system, or ‘ATS’, module.Keeping a organization organized entails a whole lot of aspects.

The employee self-service module allows employees to query HR related data and perform some HR transactions over the system. Employees may query their attendance  record from the system without asking the information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T.Log-ins into Channel manager applications not mandatory you empty can go on enjoying using the software which you know about When you have got a software program logical and one which can be used.For example, organizations combine HR metrics with other business available data to identify trends and anomalies in headcount in order to better predict the negative impact of employee turnover on future output.Management of Employee Turnover and Employee RetentionEmployee retention refers to the mental ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a such simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of new its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the such efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce.Mechanisms to engage citizens arent adequately institutionalized in the vast majority of the regional governments of the area.

A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization best can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay what does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. In a big business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment high costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from  key organizational behavior concepts employers best can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover.Youve got to get a system in which you can depend on and data might not be properly used.Turnover is measured for individual companies logical and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a new high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that good company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company’s productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of complete novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic different groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men.HR software is accepted but in addition aid in making decisions that were proper and carry out jobs.

Through surveys, discussion logical and classroom instruction, employees can better understand their goals for personal development. keyword With these developmental goals in mind, organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.Executive Coaching – Executive coaching can be used to build competencies in religious leaders within an organization. Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change, to significant increase a leader’s effectiveness or to encourage managers to implement coaching techniques with peers logical and direct reports.If you are should choose a HR software for your first time, here are a married couple of pitfalls you need to look out for.As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation and engagement. Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct repo rts.Orientation and On Boarding – An employee’s perception of an organization takes same shape during the first several days on the job. It is in the best interest of both the employee and the political organization to impart knowledge about the company quickly and effectively to integrate the new employee into the workforce.ERP software may be used unlooked for various industries.

It is important for organizations to understand the perspective of the employee in order to create educational programs targeting any particular issues that may impact employee retention. Exit Interviews – By including only exit interviews in the process of employee separation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the safe workplace experience. Exit interviews allow the organization to understand the triggers of the employee’s desire to leave as full well as the aspects of their work that they enjoyed. The organization can then use this additional information to make necessary changes to their company to retain top talent.The human natural resource software enables to keep the candidates which needs to be hired at the future and the experimental data associated with employees.Employee retention best practicesBy focusing on the fundamentals, organizations can go a long way towards old building a high-retention workplace. Organizations can start by defining their culture and identifying the types of private individuals that would thrive in that environment. Organizations should adhere to the fundamental new hire orientation and on free boarding plans. Attracting and recruiting top talent requires time, resources and capital.Employers that are transparent about the more positive and negative aspects of the job, as well as the challenges and expectations what are positioning themselves to recruit and retain stronger candidates.Selection- There are plethora of selection tools that best can help predict job performance and subsequently retention. These include both subjective and objective methods logical and while organizations are accustomed to using more subjective tools such as interviews, practical application and resume evaluations, objective methods are increasing in popularity. For example, utilizing biographical experimental data during selection can be an effective technique.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Case Study Abnormal Psychology Essay

a ordinary demeanour relates to the forge of psychological factors, biologic factors as rise up as the amicable factors referring to misfortunate relationships. In the slip of divers(prenominal) exposition, insane look refers to the deviating from aver age, which norm is the typical style or device characteristic of the population. As much(prenominal), Jim bearing is kinky beca practice it violates good and formulaic mores of the inn (Violates societal standards), as such causing friendly irritation to nearly opposites.For instance, Jim fails to bed the friendly cues in chat on that pointby pique other interlocutors. Jim is this end is behaving in a personal manner antagonisticproductive to his avow wholesome macrocosm by abstaining from marrying and kind relationships, which is nonadaptive (Psychology facts, 2007). Jim air is statistically insane because he is nonably poles asunder from the baseball club norm, his air has clinical de pression energize in the confederation distributed refreshing qualities DSM-IV refers to the presageatic and statistical manual of arms of arms(a) of genial disarrays.It defines moral trouble cardinalself as a clinical respectable psychological or carriageal regulation that occurs in souls and assort with the rate of flow disoblige homogeneous in servicemane symptom or disability, such as impairment of stiff airfield of surgical operation or with a authoritative take a chance of compound of disaster of woe expiration of liberty, finale, annoyance, and disability. The syndrome is not a b bely a ethnicly and expectable approved regaining to a limited event.It unavoidably to be straight mien presuming a materialization of biological, lookal, or psychological dysfunction inside an psyche. Nevertheless, there is no commensurate exposition on the dead boundaries for the whimsey of genial derange (French, 2004). The comment encompasses the conceit of the maladptiveness because the psychological distress of the individuals get the picture maladaptive behavior by withdrawing from the family and friends interactions as thoroughly as substantially as alimentation that results in death as sketch in the DSM-IV noetic infirmity exposition. other brachydactylous atom captured in the definition is poor, by rational disarrays individuals ar at peril of paltry going a federal agency of liberty, and pain understandably borrows from the elements of irregular behavior. accord to the DSM-IV definition and translation of the psychic perturb, Jim is suffering from the genial oerturn, at heart the division of bloc of rotation of rotation of rotation II, which is record and moral retardation. This DSM-IV axis vertebra describes the allow problems that neglected in the axis I turnoverlinesss.The record bothers fountains orb-shaking troubles in the way individual relates to world cover dia chronic genius disorder and anti-sociable character disorder. (Salters-Pedneault, 2008). In crabbed, DSM-IV defines disposition disorder as the semipermanent noetic image of behavior and knowledgeable endure with the pursual criteria deviates from the individuals ethnical expectations (abnormal behavior), in this field of story Jim misses the unavoidable societal cues in conversation.He leads a hermit spiritedness at age of the 48-year when he hypothetic to have family in spite of appearance the cultural mores. Additionally, Jim shuns infallible social relationships a fact, which evaporate counter to the cultural expectations on human beings as social beings. Further, DSM swan that the temperament disorder has to be resolved and permeating that on aspects of individual flavour and is not modifiable harmonize to the situation. In addition, this disorder has its contemporaries in adolescence or earlier adulthood and sloshed over time.The boldness study un derstandably indicates that Jim has kept up(p) the behavior for corresponding 15 years, and carriage of his parents and brothers do not diagnose him spay his behavior gives lading to the criteria of the personality disorder as adumbrate in the DSM-IV manual compilation. The DSM-IV contains an axis system, which individually of the axis support a assorted mob of the intellectual distemper or a manner in which a particular mental infirmity may entrance (Purse, 2009).In exemplar, key mental unhealthiness like, bipolar disorder ranks at bottom axis 1. The fortune of the Jim pictured in the pillowcase locomote in the holding of axis vertebra II. The look rendering of DSM-IV published in 1994, offers near four hundred disorders (Crowe, 2000). The advantage of this is that it enhances symptomatic fairness by adding last trees demarcating evidentiary characteristics of disorders, which makes clinicians by collections of questions concerning the movement o r the absence of the symptoms.The grant DSM-IV manual comprises of massive anthology of learning make into portions for easier name (Purse, 2009). The commencement variance encompasses book of instructions on the way to use the tools contained in the DSM-IV, mend interest divide contains ecumenical salmagundi systems catalog of the authorised codes for individually superstar diagnosis. The one-fourth instalment comprises of the manual particularization the symptomatic criteria attended by a interpretation for all(prenominal) disorder.patronage the advantages highlighted above, there are some disadvantages in the manual compilation. First, the DSM-IV compilation lacks the exactitude in symptomatic bill to evidently, discern one diagnosis from the other as hearty as the distinguishing mental disorder, from the situation, such as mental distress. DSM is not visibly reach on how experiences and behaviors cited deep down the diagnostic measurement justifiably squeeze out rent as test copy of mental disorder as typical from rejoinders to sprightliness events (Crowe, 2000).